Wednesday 14 May 2014

Star Wars, Elgar, and an Unfinished Poem

Time is making a fool of me again, but we are still good friends. It is hard to believe that my journey through Oz has almost reached the ten month mark. I'm sorry I did not take you along for the better part of it. The intention was there, the motivation was not. Can we still be friends? I have things to share!

Suffice it to say, there is too much to catch you up in one blog. So I will fast forward to May. I mean, it's the best month anyway! Up to this point, I have seen much more of Australia, and its majestic neighbor, New Zealand, including Sydney, Cairns/Port Douglas, the Great Barrier Reef, Port Phillip Island, Wellington, and Queenstown. It was quite the whirlwind of travel, and my beautiful parents were there for much of it, making the adventure far sweeter.

I've learned a great deal, about the world and about my self. I've had lowly lows and fantastic highs, I have had quiet times and noisy times, comforting times and restless ones too, and some that are just all a jumble of many times, or a few. I've met a great many interesting people, of both nice and rather sketchy character, and many in between! I have made friends of a lasting variety, friends that have come from all over the world, Sri Lanka, Canada, Wales, and of course Australia too! Hmm, this is beginning to sound like a farewell blog, so let's return to the month of May. It's not quite time to say goodbye, not yet!

May has been my favorite month this year, and not because it bares my birthday. I've had and shared many a great event, whether it be as simple as going to see a movie or sharing a meal with my friends, or something exciting like singing a Star Wars concert! Admittedly, it was a rather humorous experience, as in under-prepared humorous, but it was very enjoyable nonetheless! There were Stormtroopers and Ewok's for goodness sake!

Next on the horizon is a large concert performing Elgar and Vaughn Williams in the town hall. I will also be joining a select few in the studio, to record music for a feature film. It is fair to say that a month full of singing avenues and events is a good month in my book. While we're on choir news, I will being joining the philharmonic on a Tasmania tour (of sorts) to sing three or four concerts in early July, a trip I have been greatly anticipating!

I suppose the only other thing of note I have to share are shoes! I have new ones and they're glorious! Oh, and I have this poem, it was written on a particularly sleepless night at 3am. It is unedited and unfinished, but a part of me yearns to share it. That is, after all, a part of the process of creation.

Help Make Grow / Drifting

I need a starting point.
Something I can build off of,
Something I can help make grow.
It seems I'm just drifting.
I suppose that's not so unfortunate a thing.
Thought it's not what I want to be doing.
I want to help make something grow.
A dream perhaps? I've done it before.
Hell, I'm living one!
Australia was always a dream, always an open door,
and look at me now, almost a year I've spent here
and still there's more to go.
I don't know what's next, though.
I need another dream.
I have many, but
something tells me they're not quite right.
Not yet, not tonight.

What are they?
Oh, I dream of having a partner, whom I love and who loves me.
or at least sixty/forty.
I dream of having a home to share with him, a home that is bright and welcoming,
a home that is warm and comforting.
I dream of traveling the world and seeing many sights,
Like sunsets over distant seas
and mountains of great heights
I dream of having no money worries,
to share and give as openly as I receive.
I dream of heaven too,
but that dream I will not share, except to a few.
I dream a lot about future things, don't I?
Perhaps I should start dreaming of present things.
Maybe then I will find it,
and what ever it brings,
so long as I can help it grow.

But alas no present dream is calling me.
No desire, no wish, no action
I am drifting.

Perhaps... Perhaps I should help another person's dream to grow.
Perhaps this journey was never meant for me,
but for the people I came to know,
came to see.

Saturday 3 May 2014

A Product of Writer's Block. AKA: Cloud Ramblings

You know when you can't think of anything to write, you just sit and stare at your blank page and look this way and that letting thoughts wonder in and out of your head, and through and around and back and forth. Sometimes you rewind them and then fast forward them really quickly. Most times they just drift in and out like clouds, lazy white ones though, not the stormy ones, those usually stick around for a while, and anyway, they aren't really writing conducive clouds. The lazy white ones are, cumulus or cumulonimbus, or something or other. The feather ones will even do for a bit of writing, but not stormy, that's generally poem stuff and even then, they tend to come out disjointed and rather terrible. Suffice it to say, stormy clouds aren't great for the whole creative process.

So where was I? Ah yes, white clouds , the lazy ones specifically. Actually today isn't even a lazy white clouds kind of day, even on those days thoughts tend to stick every now and then, like when a big cloud comes along and stays a while. Today, nothing is sticking, today is a blue sky kinda day. Or at least a wispy cloud day, I dislike those little wispy ones, they are almost a tease. Might as well go for the all blue, or a partly cloudy, at least then you can sit and watch them pass and guess the shapes and let your imagination go running away with you. The wispy ones though, they might as well be smoke! In fact, they probably are. Stupid pollution, ruining my blue sky! I do like blue skies by the way, who doesn't? I'm sure there's someone out there who doesn't, trying to defy the mold and all that crap. But blue skies are great! They're pleasant and leave room for lots of sun, they're just not the best for thinking, you know? At least the kind of thinking that gets things done, or goes somewhere. I mean think about it! All that empty space, what's there to hold your thoughts in? Roofs? Yeah I suppose they can a little, but I find they usually hold them back a bit. Clouds are good for holding thoughts, they are allowed to float high and free and unhindered. Roofs are okay so long as you don't need too much thinking to do, or to high a thought to think. They're definitely good for those desk jobs, but if you ever have one that requires a lot of thoughts to be thinking, it can get awful crowded in there, like something fierce. And then of course it's just too noisy to think with all those thoughts floating around with no where to go. Sure opening a window sometimes helps, but then what? All the good ones, that is to say the smart, creative ones go out the window and you're left with the stupid ones, who of course are the noisier of the bunch.

I suppose you could write them down, but it still doesn't quite work as well. And besides, when you go back to them later they can be a confusing mess, or worse, a great thought but you're unable to remember where it was leading. Besides, aren't you suppose to be working!?

All said and done, if you have the time, writing thoughts down is probably the best method for keeping them. It gets them out, and if you're patient and persistent, cleans them up a bit. Sure sometimes they come out crap and all a bumbled, discombobulated mess. But sometimes they come out great, and you can even get a whole story out! Or at least the start of one, which is always exciting. Sure enough though, most times you just end up rambling about clouds, and you know what? That's okay, because you'll probably end up feeling better anyway. And before you know it, you did what you said you should do, which was write something, and look at you, you've almost done a page and a half of unimpeded writing. Who cares if the main subjects of the majority of the sentences were about clouds! Maybe you're a meteorologist, or a skyline painter or photographer, or maybe you just have your head in the clouds? Course I don't, it's a blue sky day...