It never occurred to me, but the
conditions for rainbows are rather perfect in Melbourne. The weather
is quite variant and quick rain showers are common. All that is needed is a little sunshine in the mix and there you have it, a rainbow! Sure
it's a bit more complex than that, but only slightly. Anyhow, you see
a fair amount of those multicoloured arches around.
I have a feeling, and a hope, that I'll see
many more. Rainbows are the sort of thing that make you stop, make
you look, admire and see. They are so bright and beautiful, and sort
of hard to miss. It is a good thing the world knows the beauty of
rainbows, they are visible, bright, and easy ways to pull us from the
busyness of life. Even the most distracted and blind of persons will
often pause at the sight of a rainbow.
I visited a place called the
Showgrounds the other day. It is normally a racing track and stable,
but on this occasion it was a fair. A well known and celebrated one
at that. Every year, once a year, they come for a two week stint and
nest in the showgrounds. It so happens that it cheekily comes
right when school holiday is in session, so they get quite a few
attendees. In fact, they have express trains that run to and from the
showgrounds so you can get to the fair as fast as
The noise is constant, but it is not a
grating or annoying noise, or even a loud noise. It is a joyous and
carefree noise that makes you smile and let go. It makes you want to play and laugh and be active and participate! If you've lost the
kid in you, this is the place to get it back! It's hard not to keep
your eyes wide open, to look, to admire and see. It is hard not to enjoy yourself. I most certainly did.
Should you find yourself going to a
fair, remember to let go and lose yourself among the
multicoloured arches (so long as you don't have little ones to lose). After all, you've made it to the bottom of the rainbow. And
maybe, if your aware enough to see it, you'll find the pot of gold.
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